Thursday, November 16, 2006

Senator James Webb: 'D-WaPo'

A Macaca Majority?Brent Bozell in A Macaca Majority?:
... Local liberal elites long have believed The Washington Times to be an oafishly right-wing rag, while viewing The Washington Post as the dictionary definition of detachment and straightforward reporting. The 2006 campaign proves this to be nonsense. When it came to Allen, the Post completely lost its bearings, treating him with left-wing aggression and loathing, as if he ripped out the fingernails of small children every night as a giggly hobby. Today, Allen's political scalp hangs on their newsroom wall.

Now, the Post would have us believe it had nothing to do with his defeat. With a shockingly false faux-objective voice, the Post printed a headline on Nov. 10 declaring it was a "stunning breakdown," as if it was uninvolved. Reporter Michael Shear declared that Allen's jovial farewells were odd, since "the relentlessly cheery politician who was an up-and-comer in the national GOP spent most of the fall during his campaign against challenger James Webb in a defensive crouch, trying to deflect accusations that, down deep, he is a bully or a racist."

What Shear failed to mention was that it was a defensive crouch against relentless bullying by the Post. They beat him up, stole his lunch money and now are pretending they were little angels who had nothing to do with the assault. ...

They beat him up, stole his lunch money
and now are pretending they were little angels
who had nothing to do with the assault.

Brent Bozell bio... In the end, the Post so co-managed the Webb campaign that we ought to consider identifying Sen. Webb not as "D-Va.," but perhaps as "D-Washington Post."
Check out the outstanding work of Mr. Bozell and his team at the Media Research Center on a regular basis... NewsBusters too.

NewsBusters covers the Washington Post here, and George Allen here.

Related coverage of bias at the NY Times here and here.

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