Friday, June 02, 2006

"You don’t need papers for voting!"

Ian catches a good

Expose the Left

More illegal's the motive for the Dems.

God forbid we actually required photo ID cards to vote. Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., introduced an amendment to The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that would make it mandatory for all voters to present photo identification before casting ballots in a federal election. That would make too much sense, but the Senate voted mostly along party lines, with Chafee, Sununu, Voinovich, and Mike DeWine going with the Dems.

Senator Kennedy:
Now is not the time and this is not the place to consider an amendment that may disenfranchise a million or more poor, minority, disabled, and elderly voters - all of them American citizens
...and there are millions of illegals that we want to be able to vote too!

HotAir has

Pandering for votes is no big scandal now-a-days, but recruiting at illegal immigration protests is a little sickening...

Todays other great video from Michelle covers some great examples of the staged media.



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