Friday, June 02, 2006

Are you feeling pandered to...too?

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist speaks at a rally on Capitol Hill on Wednesday in support of traditional marriage laws.The Marriage Protection Amendment is coming up for a vote in the Senate this week. Frist and Bush are speaking strongly in favor. Is it real, or are they simply pandering to conservatives?

Bill Frist: We Must Preserve Traditional Marriage

GWB: Bush Backs Amendment Banning Gay Marriage

On the one hand, I like to think that they both really believe what they're saying. On the other hand, we'll see if it get's through the Senate. If the Majority Leader and the President can't get it through, I'll have a hard time not feeling like their hearts weren't in it and that they were just looking to appeal to the right knowing full-well that it wasn't likely to pass.

I agree with Chuck
It declares that marriage will consist of one man and one woman. Passage of this constitutional amendment is essential to stop the courts from throwing out state marriage laws and referenda banning gay “marriage” passed by the people.

And the amendment is essential to protect the sanctity of marriage. Now, some don’t like the moral or philosophical arguments for a marriage amendment. Others dislike dealing with a contentious social issue at all or simply do not like amending the Constitution. My response to these people is, “Do you want to continue to see our prisons fill with kids who have been raised like feral children in the wilderness? Do we want to risk further damage to the integrity of the family?”...

...Please call your senators and tell them, “Next week vote for the Marriage Protection Amendment.” And visit our website as well so you can get information that will help you better argue the case—because if we don’t make heroic efforts to restore the sanctity of marriage, we are not going to be able to build prisons fast enough.

Take action:

Call your two senators today and urge them to vote for the Marriage Protection Amendment. The vote is expected to take place June 6 or 7. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121, or learn your senators’ direct lines by visiting
What a victory it would be for the family. I also agree with Mike Gallagher that this doesn't have to be a partisan issue...
This is an event that desperately needs the voice of the people. If an average American has never called his or her U.S. Senator’s office, yet feels strongly that marriage between one man and one woman needs to be preserved, now is the time to make that call. This doesn’t have to be a partisan effort. I know Democrats who are in favor of the Marriage Amendment and Republicans who are uncomfortable with it.

Ultimately, we’ll need to decide together, as Americans, whether marriage matters.

Sadly, some will consider this position to be a “homophobic” one, an ugly attempt to discriminate against gays and lesbians who want to get married. But that’s just not true. This isn’t “anti-gay”, it’s “pro-marriage.” I hold a majority belief that marriage in our country should be exclusive to one man and one woman. If we don’t officially declare marriage to be this way, there really is no stopping the possibilities.

When Senator Rick Santorum suggested that marriage could be diminished into all kinds of different permutations if we don’t preserve it, he was right. If we call the union between two men or two women a marriage, what stops the bigamist from taking four wives?

If marriage doesn’t mean what we know it to mean, let’s face it: anything goes. Failing to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment might lead to the proverbial slippery slope.

Many would argue that we’re already there.

Make that call.

I disagree with Senator McCain, who says...
I will vote against it because I believe very strongly that in a – first of all, on the sanctity of union between man and woman, but I also believe that the states should make these decisions. The states regulate the conditions of marriage, and unless there’s some decisive overruling by the federal courts, then I will continue to believe that the states should decide. We in Arizona should make our decisions about the status of marriage in our state just as the people in Massachusetts and other states should make their decisions.
Why Marriage Is a Constitutional Matter.

U.S. Backs Homosexual Groups at United Nations

**Update June 5**

Greg at The Political Pit Bull agrees, and thinks that this is a Colossal Waste Of Time.


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