Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sowell on demagoguery beating data...those pesky facts can be confusing!

Thomas Sowell - columns"Are Facts Obsolete?"

by Thomas Sowell
...People who have made up their minds and don't want to be confused by the facts are a danger to the whole society. Since the votes of such people count just as much as the votes of people who know what they are talking about, politicians have every incentive to pass laws and create policies that pander to ignorant notions, if those notions are widespread.

Even institutions that are set up to pass on facts -- the media, schools, academia -- too often treat facts as expendable and use their strategic positions to filter out facts which go against their own preconceptions.

Crimes against homosexuals, blacks, or the homeless are big news to be dramatized, repeated, and denounced. Crimes committed by homosexuals, blacks, or the homeless are not -- and are often passed over in silence by much of the media. The net result is that the public gets filtered facts, which can create an impression the direct opposite of the truth...
Click here to read the rest.

Sowell's columns are a must-read. I haven't read Black Rednecks and White Liberals yet, but let me know if you have and share some comments.


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