Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Let's Be Our Own Democrat Or Republican And Not Be Our Own Enemy In This Land...

Edwin A. SumcadEdwin A. Sumcad:
... Democrats who want to impeach Bush don’t want us to fight this war in Iraq. They just want us to fight for their own war against Bush.

They don’t want this war on terror, yet want to be the first one to be protected from terror. You may not want to be like them when you register your political party affiliation as a Democrat. Your sense of right or wrong will guide you. These guys have their own sense of right and wrong that is only peculiar to them, and for their own purpose which is definitely not for your own interest.

You do not need to be white, black, brown or yellow to be a Democrat or a Republican American. You can just be a face in the crowd as an American at heart that thinks and acts the American way and that’s all what’s more than required if you want to live meaningfully as a true American in this country. ...
Great stuff. The rest... here.


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