Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hollywood with a conservative base? I don't buy it.

Exit Stage Left... or Right?James Pinkerton over at TCS says...
Yes, Hollywood is encrusted with baroque liberalism. But underneath that precious lefty superstructure is a competitive and even conservative substrate.
Not too often I read arguements about a conservative hollywood. It's worth a read, but I don't think the underlying motive of profit moves hollywood any further right on the left side of the loony scale.

How about hollywood and religion? Check this one out..."Narrow focus draws 'PG' rating for Baptist-backed film"
The Christian moviemakers behind a low-budget film called "Facing the Giants" were stunned when the MPAA pinned a PG rating on their gentle movie about a burned-out, depressed football coach whose life _ on and off the field _ takes a miraculous turn for the better...

...In this case, she was told that it "decided that the movie was heavily laden with messages from one religion and that this might offend people from other religions.
Give me a break. The amount of crap that is fed youngsters these days...and we don't want anything "Christian" in movies without parental guidance suggested?


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