Unbelievably, former hostages air-lifted back to Iraq just one week after their rescue...
Potfry has the whole story
...The British Military was concerned that the men would not be picked up quickly, leaving them to wander in the dessert. So each man was given a bright red parachute emblazoned with one of the famed Danish Mohammed cartoons.
“The cartoons really did the trick,” said Captain Coates. “As they drifted downward, you could see the insurgents gathering to welcome them. Some had even set fires to help guide them as they landed. We could hear the chants of welcome even over the whir of the rotors. Did you ever see Born Free? It was like that, but better.”
Did you ever see Born Free?
It was like that, but better.
Coates would not comment on reports that the three men were all wearing “Jesus Rules, Mohammed Drools” T-Shirts.
Labels: Iraq, Military