Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Flawed Moral Compass of the Antiwar Left...

A great post over at The Jawa Report.
... There is a disturbing lack of moral clarity coming from our American leftwing, and it is hurting the short and long-term interests of the country. Style has replaced substance as a frame for issue discussion. Diplomats, “peace advocates/activists” and “critics” are every day repeating the delusions of 1939 Britain and Europe – believing that “land for peace” is somehow going to broker goodwill and mercy from an enemy who has plainly stated their intentions to do away with mercy and goodwill towards their perceived enemies. When Chamberlain signed over the Rhineland to Germany, he consigned to death and Nazi occupation thousands of Czechs (the momentum of which then carried the Nazis into Poland and the world into a necessary but unwanted conflict). ...
Read it all... here.


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