Friday, May 12, 2006

Don't believe everything you hear about the economy...

From Tobin Smith via FoxNews:
I continue to be amazed that Americans can be so gloomy over the state of the economy with 4.7 percent unemployment rates.

But then I remember that there are millions of people who honestly believe that the tax cuts from May 2003 have NOT had a positive effect.

Which proves and indisputable fact: when it comes to public perception, HE who has the biggest microphone wins the minds of the majority.

I read 10 newspapers a day, listen to dozens of news reports and watch a little TV when I'm not working or on the golf course.

Nowhere have I read (with a few exceptions) the following ACTUAL official economic data statistics shared with the American taxpayer:
Click here for the rest.

Recent related:
Who knew the economy was good?


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