The Da Vinci Code and the culture war - a thorough analysis...
by Fred Hutchison: (images linked to related info)
Here's the conclusion:
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, and the second century Gospel of Judas are two books in the news that promote the heresy of Gnosticism.Click here for the rest.
Gnosticism is the topic of a nineteen-hundred-year-old theological controversy, but it is also relevant to contemporary politics and the culture war. The upcoming Hollywood movie The Da Vinci Code, based upon the book, will hit the theaters during election season. Can Gnostic attitudes influence elections? Yes.
The Democratic Party is simultaneously more secular and more messianic than the Republican Party. Interestingly, since Gnosticism is dualistic, it lends support to both secular and messianic politics. As we shall see, a person with Gnostic tendencies will tend to follow left-wing ideology on political culture war issues.
The main body of this essay will be devoted to the political and cultural implications of Gnosticism. Subsequently, a few historical facts will be offered to show that some of the claims of The Da Vinci Code are historically impossible. The final section of this essay will be titled "For Christians Only" and will explain what Gnosticism was in history, why the early church declared it to be a heresy, and why it is dangerous for Christians today.
Here's the conclusion:
The Da Vinci Code is not only false, it is historically impossible. The Da Vinci Code and The Gospel of Judas promote Gnostic heresy. This is vitally significant, since the deception of Gnosticism can lead to eternal damnation.-Home-
Gnosticism involves a peculiar form of dualism, an ersatz spirituality, and a bogus elitism. Gnostic ideas have a mischievous effect on political ideology and a ruinous effect on culture. Most Quasi-Gnostics are religious and political liberals. They invariably side with the anti-life and anti-family camp in the culture war.
The upcoming movie The Da Vinci Code could well be a public triumph for Gnosticism, feminism, and libertinism--and a setback for the culture war and for doctrinally orthodox Christianity. Our only means of fighting this wave of darkness and lies is with truth. The Da Vinci Code is astonishingly easy to debunk with a few facts from history. Commit to memory two or three of the six historical impossibilities described in this essay, and astonish your neighbors who are planning to see the Da Vinci Code.
Labels: American Culture, Christianity, Entertainment, Feminism, Hollywood