Friday, January 12, 2007

The Conservative Movement Needs Leaders...

Conservative Movement Needs LeadersKen Blackwell is right:
... Twelve years of Republican majorities have witnessed expansive corporate welfare, ineffective industrial subsidization and the increasing federalization of education and health care. The GOP Congress has responded to failing federal initiatives with equally unsustainable programs, and Americans have learned the hard way that a government cannot spend away its own inefficiency.

Many Republican leaders have demonstrated little commitment to one or more of our conservative principles — limited government, individual liberty, free-market enterprise and belief in the sanctity of life. ...

Republican leaders have demonstrated
little commitment to one or more
of our conservative principles

... The battle conservatives face and must fight is for the recognition of the individual, in both our moral culture and in our marketplace. The human being is set apart by his ability of self-direction. The faculty of reason and control of one's actions and intentions belongs to humankind alone. In this capacity, individuals reflect their inherent dignity of beings created in the image of God, and from this they derive their natural and unalienable right to human liberty.

We on the right are particularly equipped to defend human freedoms, for we embrace a tradition established in the United States by our Founders and ordered in the universe by our God: the understanding that the state of a society is determined by the liberty of and choices made by each of its members. As Americans we are entitled to political and economic freedom as individuals; because we were willed one-by-one into existence by our Creator, our lives have uninfringeable worth.
Read the rest here at Human Events.

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