Thursday, December 07, 2006

The liberal culture of defeatism...

Ben Shapiro asks a great question:
Will America ever win another war? Only if we combine our Cold War vigilance with our World War II ruthlessness. We cannot afford to lose in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and a stalemate is a loss. We cannot ignore demographic trends in the name of multiculturalism -- diversity will only survive in countries that can resist the long-term onslaught of fundamentalist Islam. This will be a long, hard slog, as former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld put it. In today's world, true victory always is.
Ann Coulter discusses "operation surrender":
Now that Democrats have won the House, they can concentrate on losing the war. Despite all the phony conservative Democrats who got elected as gun-totin' hawks, the Democrats will uniformly vote to dismantle every aspect of the war on terrorism. They've started a runaway train and can't stop it now.
Allah highlights Gore's uber-defeatism (not to mention Matt's Gore-gush):
Good stuff here. Superb defeatism by Gore, plus the spectacle of a former vice president of the United States urging people to throw house parties for his DVD. All morning television should be this watchable.

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