Friday, August 25, 2006

AllahPundit (and Mark Steyn) on Multiculturalism...

Another reason why he's one of the best on the blogosphere... the update with Steyn Q&A is worth a read too.

We must not judge.

Mark Steyn:
[T]he dangerous argument is the lazy line pedalled by too many politicians that in an Australia or a Canada of evolving immigration patterns, an immigrant from Moldova or China or Brazil or Saudi Arabia can’t be expected to relate to the Queen, to the existing constitutional system. Now try this line the next time you’re in Saudi Arabia: if you immigrate to Saudi Arabia and say ‘hey man, I just can’t relate to the House of Saud, and what’s with this Wahhabism, can’t we get a couple of sports bars with wet t-shirt nights every Thursday’? The Saudis would have a grand old laugh about it and then behead you. So when we accept that argument, in essence we’re explicitly promoting the principle of reverse assimilation; that immigration imposes not the obligation that the immigrant assimilate to his new land, but that his new land assimilate to him. And thereby lies great peril, not for the Queen, she’ll get by, but for a whole bunch of the rest of us… [I]n the superb summation of the American writer James C. Bennett, ‘democracy, immigration multiculturalism … pick any two’.

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