Saturday, May 06, 2006

The tide of moral decay is turning in the wrong direction...

Moral liberalism and the decadence of culture.Joseph Bell has hosted a radio talk show and is a former editorial writer/columnist for several Connecticut newspapers. A former liberal Democrat, Bell has not been on the conservative side of the aisle for very long. He voted for Clinton/Gore in 1992.

Abandoning the convictions that he had held and defended through adolescence and into adulthood was not easy. Sincere soul-searching and a commitment to distinguish fact from fiction compelled him to accept that liberal ideology was bankrupt.

Will America Stop Its Own Decay?, by Joseph Bell
Nations, unlike a dead animal along the side of a road, do not decompose quickly. It takes time for the elements to have an impact but once the process begins it is difficult to stop. America is in the process of decomposing and it is a terrible sight. There is time to reverse the process but the work required is difficult and forces are laboring to ensure that the corrosion from within continues uninterrupted.

America is in the process
of decomposing and
it is a terrible sight.

When a nation loses respect for itself no one else, especially those who delight in the anticipation of its passing, will offer respect or comfort. America’s decay has been largely self-inflicted and the inventory of missteps is long.

The continued preeminence of America is not assured. Like any great civilization, the United States is capable of collapsing from lack of faith and will. Those nations that endure are those where the people have confidence in their principles and traditions. They love their nation, believe it is worth defending and engage in the hard and sometimes dangerous work necessary to make certain the next generation will receive its inheritance.

Those nations that endure
are those where the people
have confidence in their
principles and traditions.

Wake Up AmericaDetractors and enemies laugh at America’s inability to recognize its greatness and at its seeming impotence to halt its decline and advance freedom and justice around the world with the vigor that those great principles deserve.
This country is in trouble folks, and it's not just about politics. It's not even about religion, although I think religion will be the key of recovery.

Our culture is in a state of moral decline, and I'm afraid that if left un-checked America is headed for very difficult times ahead.


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