Monday, January 30, 2006

Kennedy to Bush: "What have you done for me lately?"

Has it really been so long since these two were double-dating at the White House movie theater? I guess pretending that you had to twist Kennedy's arm to spend more on education gets you a year or so, but no more.

Michelle Malkin covers Kennedy losing it today.

KENNEDY: ...All you have to do, Mr. President, is look back into the history. Look back into the history of the judiciary. Look back to the history of the 5th Circuit, that were (sic) making the decisions in the 1950s. Look at the record of Judge Wisdom. Judge Tuttle. Judge Johnson of Alabama. The courage that they demonstrated that said that at last we are going to break down the walls of discrimination in this country, that have gripped this nation for 200 years. Our founding fathers failed the test when they wrote slavery into the Constitution! (He's screaming.)

Abraham Lincoln pointed the way and we passed the 13th, 14th, 15th amendment and had a civil war. But we didn't resolve this issue. It was only 'til we had the courage of those members of what branch of government? Not the US Congress. Not the US Senate. Not the executive. The Judiciary! The 5th Circuit! (Screaming again.)

We're talking now about the Supreme Court. But they are the ones who changed this country inevitably with what we call the march to progress. The march towards knocking down the walls of discrimination that permitted us to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act and public accomodations so people who's skin was not white who could go into restaurants and hotels. Public accomodations. The '65 act for voting. Voting rights. The '68 act. The public accomodations. The 1973 act that said that women are going to treated equally. The Americans with Disabilities Act that said that the disabled are going to be part of the American family.

All of that is part of the march for progress.

And my friends, the one organization, the one institution that protects it is THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! (Screaming at the top of his lungs.)

Too much blood has been shed in those battles. Too much sweat. Too many tears. To. Put. At. Risk. That. March. For. Progress.

(Banging podium. Voice cracking.)

And that is what we are doing (voice quavering) with this nominee. HE FAILED TO DEMONSTRATE before this Judiciary Committee that he was committed to the continued march for progress...

After the ridiculous display at the Alito hearings, he's not helping himself much. Although it will be interesting to see if he and Kerry continue to appear as leaders of their party. We'll see if he continues to keep earning points from the far-left fundraising machine.


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